
Friday, April 6, 2012

Medora Basketball Documentary

Things are funny how they roll around and eventually come back up. Back in 2009, I read an article in the NY Times (HERE) about tiny Medora High School in Medora IN. I then wrote a quick blog about it. HERE. This NY Times article was read by some journalists/film makers who thought it would be a good idea to do a documentary on them. Here is their Kickstarter Video and somewhat of a trailer.

The link below will take you to the Kickstarter page where you can donate to help them finish the movie.

Here's their facebook page link.

Sometimes you wonder what role sports actually has in a community and how sports affects so many other things. This documentary is going to delve into that, I believe. It is definitely going to be something that I see and watch. Maybe you should donate to the cause?

1 comment:

slam dunk here said...

It is good execuse tosend some bucks for good work. Nice video. I made donation.