
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Snowed in?

I thought today was going to be a little worse, but the forecasters say that it will return around midnight tonight. So today I swung by and rented a movie that I had wanted to see for a while. 300 . I thought it was pretty good, definitely lots of blood and gore and a couple of heads being chopped off. The computer graphics were amazing and just the look and feel of the characters was really dramatic. I was really intrigued by the historical fact about the Spartans and how their fighters were raised. I also was struck by how much respect and honor they had for their king, Leonidas. They were willing to lay down their lives for him. Another thing that was really interesting was how the Spartans fought as one unit. Never branching off to attack on their own. (well except for those dramatic scenes) Staying to the plan that their leader had laid out. The way that they held their ground, and protected each other with their shields shows of the trust that they have put in each other. They all knew that they had to do their job so they could last as long as they could in the war. And they had to depend on the shield of the person standing next to them to make a wall.

I thought it would be a good movie to put some clips into your scouting film sessions with your teams. Just inbetween some game clips, to lighten the mood a little and to get the TEAM comcept across to your players. Everyone must depend on everyone to get the job done.

I have came across this quote that I like very well - it's a little off the wall but it really makes sense if you ever feel so happy that people are looking at you in a weird way.
"Happiness is like peeing your pants....everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth."
Have a good day and stay warm.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Ok, so I was going through some clinic notes from over the summer, and came across something from Don Meyer (check link on side). He has 3 rules...

1. Learn about yourself
2. Find your unique talent and develop it
3. Give your gift away, every day

At the time, it was just something that he said that I wrote down. But looking back I can really feel the depth of them. You definitely need to fully understand yourself first. You need to know what you believe in, how you work, what your strengths are, your weaknesses, etc... Once you understand yourself, then you know what you can do and can't do, what you're good at and not good at. Once you know everything there is to know about yourself, you will be able to notice something that is unique and something that you are passionate about. Once you know what it is, then you can develop it further and it can be your mark on the world. But once you have obtained all this knowledge, it's useless if you don't give it away! Show someone else what you already know so that your knowledge starts to permeate the culture that is around you. What good is knowledge if it is not shared?
I know that over the past 3 years I have really shaped my view of basketball and life. It is something completely different than what I started with. Most of it has been formed through going to clinics, reading books, searching the internet, going to college, and just simply being around people with positive attitudes that care about the game of basketball.
Due to the fact that it is Thanksgiving weekend, here is a link to another of Coach Meyer's wonderful free handouts that deals with Thanksgiving. Handout
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Team First

The ultimate team player? To me it's someone that is a little surprising. When you think of a team player who do you think of? The guy who does all the dirty work, makes nice passes, will go get the offensive rebound because no one else is going to, the lock-down defender who doesn't score more than a bucket a game, the guy who will lay his body out to get a loose ball? Have an idea yet? What if I put a restraint on it and said it had to be a Major League Baseball player. Does that change the criteria for a team player? It has to be the guy who is hustling for an extra base? The outfielder who dives or hurls himself into the wall to bring back a homer? The first-baseman or catcher who lets nothing pass by them? Well, in this day and age of professional sports, does Curt Schilling make the bill? He is pretty much automatic in the post season. Which equals lots of wins. He has proved himself over and over. He pitched with a bloody sock. He should have gotten some huge deal for what he's worth right? Wrong, Schilling realized that he has made over 100 million dollars because of baseball. He knows that he is set for life. He took only 8 million for his one year deal. I know this is amazing numbers to you and I, but look at it this way; he could have got a lot more somewhere else. He chose to help out his own team, whom he loves playing for. He is letting them use his money on someone that could help his team. In this age of money and salary caps (which in baseball is there, but not there) this is a true class act. As much as Kobe claims to not have any players around him, do you think that he would take a huge pay cut to let the Lakers bring in some quality players? I am not knocking Kobe at all, he just always seems to be wanting to get out of L.A. all the time. Wouldn't it be great if all the big money guys did this? I think Phil Jackson tried to have the same salary for one of his CBA? teams. It didn't go over too well, I wonder if people thought they were actually better than they were? This would definitely be something to look in to. I am amazed at Curt Schilling for this and applaud him. Leave a comment about the same salary for every player on a team question. I think it's an interesting topic. Have a good day!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Every Day

It’s been a while, so I thought that I would write a little something. The NBA season has begun; I am pretty pumped about the Pacers. I don’t know why. I just think there is a little different “air” surrounding the team. Coach O’Brien will play at a faster pace – which I think will be better suited for his personnel. When I think of coaching philosophies, I think that the best coaches always start with what they have and go from there. As a coach you have to be flexible, always changing. I don’t mean changing your philosophy, but playing to your strengths. Each person has their own strength, and the coaches that find that strength and tweak, not overhaul, their systems to utilize that particular strength always seem to have great seasons. Being in coaching for a few years, I have my own definition of a good coach or a bad coach. I think I am more impressed by a coach, who can take a team, and have those players play to their potential, than a coach who has great players and just simply stands there. I have really shaped my thoughts over the past years and I have found that winning and losing is not really important. It’s more important that you get better than you were the day before. Sure, there are going to be extremely good players that are naturally talented, but if they don’t continue to improve I don’t necessarily see them as a success. I would take a player who wants to work hard and get better every day over a player who thinks he is good enough for today. For at the end of today, is tomorrow, and if that player didn’t do something to get better yesterday, then there is no today, and inevitably, no tomorrow. As practices and teams are forming for the season, remember to do something to make yourself better everyday. Drop a comment! Have a good rest of the week!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Improving The Off-Hand

I know it's been a while, but my wife and I are trying to get a side photography business up and running. There is a link on the right if you want to check it out.

Ok. This basketball topic popped into my head earlier this week and I want to share this with everyone. I think back on all the times that you see the one-handed dribbler, the player that can only dribble with his dominant hand. When you see the player going left but dribbling with his right hand, not only does it look awkward for the player, but I just get this feeling that it is going to get knocked away to the other team. So, since the player hasn't built up the confidence to use his off-hand. I have come up with some things that will help in the development of his off-hand.

1. The best way to aid in developing the off-hand would be to pick up the nice orange ball and let your left hand actually feel it for once and try to get comfortable with it.

2. Hordes of dribbling drills - the player obviously did some of them with the dominant hand but somehow forgot he had two hands. You would have to do twice as much with the off-hand to bring it back up to speed.

3. Do common everyday things with your off-hand.

a. brush your teeth with your off-hand

b. open doors with your off-hand - car doors included - and any door for a lady.

c. apply deodorant with your off-hand - hopefully you do this with your dominant on a regular basis. This one is tricky and requires a flexible elbow

d. use the TV remote with your off-hand

e. write your name with your off-hand

f. work your cell phone with your off-hand

g. try typing every letter on the keyboard with your off-hand one letter at a time.

h. eat only with your off-hand

i. this is kind of weird but when you drop a #2 - wipe with your off-hand

j. when you are reading a book hold it open with your off-hand

k. put on all your clothers with your off-hand

l. Top off your outfit with putting on a belt with your off-hand

m. If you use a calculator use it with your off-hand

n. clip your toe/finger nails with your off-hand

o. when you use scissors use your off-hand

p. when you use a knife use your off-hand - do this carefully!

q. if you wear contacts put them in with your off-hand

r. tie your shoes with your off-hand

s. if you play paintball play with your off-hand

t. brush your hair with your off-hand

u. If you're a girl and only if you're a girl, apply makeup with your off-hand

v. switch your computer mouse to the other side of the keyboard and click with your off-hand

w. open up a DVD or Playstation game case with your off-hand

x. Drink using your off-hand

y. if you play an instrument try to do it with your off-hand

z. pick up a basketball and dribble!

Basically what it comes down do is building up your confidence in your off-hand to perform as well as your dominant hand. Try to go through an entire day without using your dominant hand unless you have to. You are training your mind to treat your off-hand just the same as your dominant hand. Also, you are building up strength and hand-eye coordination.

With football, volleyball, and cross country season here, you dual sport athletes don't forget to pick up a round ball every now and then! But your mind should be on helping the team you are on to be the best that they can be and striving to give your best everyday. You are the only person who knows if you gave your best everyday - which means you are responsible for your attitude, actions, and your success. Just don't forget that what you are really doing is staying in tip top shape for the winter season :)

Drop Step Dunk

Thursday, July 12, 2007

All-Star Recap, Dungy Excerpts, and Wrigley Field

The Indiana East/West All-Star Games were great! The fact that they reward all four classes is an accomplishment in itself and what they are doing at is outstanding! I met Coach Mike Walker who is the director and founder of Post Your Talents, he was a very genuine man and I want to thank him for contacting me via email, it is much appreciated! On a side note, Coach Walker has laryngitis and I know he would appreciate your prayers.

Some local awards given:

David Henry - Bethesda Christian HS - 1A West Kent Benson FCA Mental Attitude Award

Tyler Bruce - Tri-West HS - 2A Game MVP

Aimee Drabyn - Avon HS - 4A West Kent Benson FCA Mental Attitude Award

Congrats to all the players that were named and congrats on you high school career and good luck as you move on.


I have got the new Tony Dungy book, Quiet Strength, and I am going to post a little blurb from it every now and then.

"Things will go wrong at times. You can't always control circumstances. However, you can always control your attitude, approach, and response. Your options are to complain or to look ahead and figure out how to make the situation better."

I find myself getting frustrated at work a lot and then when I realize that nothing good can come of getting angry, throwing something, or punching something. I just need to find a way to counter whatever went wrong and find a new way of doing it. Which flows right into this excerpt;

"What's important is not the accolades and memories of success but the way you respond when opportunities are denied."

It's how you respond to the situation that makes you who you are!

"If I want my players to remember something, one picture isn't worth a thousand words - it's better."

When I hear this, I think of how people learn differently and how as a teacher/coach it is our job to reach each person no matter how we have to do it. I can remember in math classes getting taught that there was multiple ways to do something, basically, whichever one you could understand the easiest. If there is a student/player who is not understanding things on the court, maybe a diagram might do the trick, or a special video clip that shows exactly what he/she should be doing. Man, you see those slow-mo cameras in every instant replay now, you can see so much just by pausing and rewinding. I think there should be a ton of "classroom" work in basketball too. Breaking down things and what not. Going over not only the other team's stuff but your own. Letting the players know what you want them to accomplish through doing this particular thing. I know there is not much time that you get on the court, but this could be something pre-practice or post-practice. Just my ramblings.


Two weekends ago was my 1 year anniversary and me and my wife took a trip to Chicago to visit the Shedd Aquarium and to the hollowed grounds of Wrigley Field. The Aquarium was amazing and can be compared to the Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN. I recommend going to both of these aquariums. Ripley's was a little more hands on and touchy-feely, but I would say that the Shedd Aquarium was bigger and included an oceanarium with dolphins and whales. Pretty nifty. Then, the next day we attended the Cubbies vs. the Milwaukee Brewers in the last game of a 3-game homestand. Cubbies won 5-1! Game started with Cubs Jason Marquis getting hit in the face with a broken bat and I think that just made him mad because he was pretty good the rest of the way. Pretty Neat Experience I do have to say. One of my younger brothers is a big Cubbies fan, so he was/is mad that he didn't get to go. Lots of fun.

Oh... I don't really know how many people read this blog and I thought it would be interesting to see how many do or better yet, do not read this, so if you could just click on "View My Complete Profile" there is a little counter on there and it just adds it up. I am just looking to see how many people read this. As of right now, there have been 121 profile views. I know it won't be much, or any for that matter, but if you do take a look at this blog or somehow stumble upon it, it would be much appreciated. Thanks! and Have a Great Day! DSD

Friday, June 29, 2007


Last week was my birthday and I received a card from my parents that simply states.

"Don't think of it as another birthday. Think of it as the anniversary of the day the world was graced with your presence!"

I just thought it was just a simple card, but I got to thinking about how many people I come in contact in one day, and how many lives that can be changed by saying just one word to a person. I think of a story in one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books about how this kid carried the books of a fellow student all the way home. The owner of the books was the typical "nobody" in school, you know the kid that gets picked last in the pick-up game at recess, the nerd, geek, smelly kid, bad home life kid, you know there is always one of them in every class. The kid that carried the books home was the well-liked kid, friend of everyone, straight-A kid. A while after this happened, the geek wrote a letter to the straight-A kid that said that night he was going to kill himself, but because he helped him, talked to him on the way home, and just showed interest in him, he chose not to take his life.

All because someone carried his books!

I think of all the times that I could have done something for someone and didn't. It's like there isn't an I almost did help. You either do it or you don't.

I am going to take the time to help the next person I can because I have no idea the impact I can have on someone, just by giving someone your attention.

Books I got from my parents for my birthday:
Every Man, God's Man - by Stephen Arterburn and Kenny Luck
Quiet Strength - Tony Dungy

I can't wait to read these and I will probably share them.

I will try to update with a little blurb from each chapter!
Have a Great Weekend!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

2007 Indiana East/West All Star Game

The Indiana East/West All Star Basketball Games allow 175 of Indiana's top boy and girl players to show their stuff in all four classes, 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A.

Link Here

The Third Annual Games will be held at the New Castle Fieldhouse! The largest High School Gym in the world! KENT BENSON, Games Chairman.

Congrats to all the players named!

Here's a list of all the local players who will be playing.

1A - Tiffany Lawson - Eminence
Tyler Adkisson - Eminence
Josh Neuhart - Bethesda Christian
David Henry - Bethesda Christian

2A - Kate Miller - Cascade
Katie Nease - Cascade
Jake Daugherty - Cascade
Lauran Thompson - N. Montgomery
Jessica Wiles - N. Montgomery
Mark Dunbar - Speedway
Taylor Dial - Speedway
Micheal Neese - Cloverdale
Tyler Bruce - Tri-West

3A - Julia Byrdwell - Danville

4A - Aimee Drabyn - Avon
Hillary Cheek - Avon
Allison Lutocka - Plainfield
Kayli Schafer - Mooresville
Coach - Steve Drabyn - Avon

Congrats to these seniors as it will be their final time representing their high school in competition!


Friday, June 22, 2007

Bruin Signs with Ancilla

Tri-West's Marco Moses has committed to play basketball at Ancilla College.

Congrats to Marco!!

That makes 2 from TW playing college ball! (Ricks at Rose-Hulman).

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Gym Floors

SMU is getting a new floor in their gym reminiscent of older days with a new twist. Nice article on how things have changed. I imagine many floors will be made anew with the addition of the new 3-Point arc.

What is your favorite court of all time? I am partial to old school looking courts, like Indiana's but the lane needs to be filled with red. I also like to have the schools mascot as big as you can get it between the two 3-point lines. But, my all-time favorite court had to be Temple's. Those owl wings just intimidate me, or maybe it's the black inside the 3 point lane. I don't know but that had to be the coolest home court! I don't think it's still painted like that, but I definitely think they should bring it back. The picture is the only one I could find.

Locally, I really like South Putnam's Floor with the big eagle airbrushed pretty big. (oh by the way that is me in the picture on the left closest to the eagle) I like Cascade's because of the black painted lanes. Danville's doesn't have any volleyball lines on it, so I always thought they meant business on the court kind of like, volleyball season is over so let's play ball. New Castle's is simple but it has the cool wood. It's also the biggest high school gym in the U.S. Here's about it. I also like Eminence's gym floor because it has those real little boards in it I also am a big fan of DePauw University's floor. It is very old school but I am really drawn to the black 2 foot outlines around the court. It looks like the Pacers' court, only better. I am also in favor of the two toned stains that are being used in the a lot of the NBA arenas. I think it adds a nice touch.

Let me know what your favorite floor is.

Also, still on the Coach Hep loss, I read something on him that he one of his motto's was
"Have a Plan, Work the Plan, Plan for the Unexpected." I love this. You definitely need to have a plan in anything you do, and you mush carry that plan out, and while your plan is going on, there most certainly will be road blocks in it that you didn't account for that you must plan ahead for. Obviously, Hep's unexpected block was the fact that he happened to get brain cancer. But he planned for it because of the legacy that he left behind. I am sure that every one who came in contact knew Hep's plan and that plan was to touch as many lives as he could in the pursuit of living a Godly life and passing on the character traits to be a man of God. You can hear it in the voices and words of his former players of how much he meant to them.

In Hep's words, "Have a Plan, Work the Plan, Plan for the Unexpected."

Have a Great Weekend, I think we are going to be getting some much needed rain!!


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Local Honors, Awards, Commitments

Liz Bondi, of DePauw University, in Greencastle was named the Division III Collegiate Woman Athlete of the Year. Following a year in which she won an individual national championship in tennis and was an all-American forward on the national championship basketball team, DePauw's Liz Bondi has been named the Honda Division III Collegiate Woman Athlete of the Year.

Gordon Hayward, of Brownsburg HS, verbally committed to play basketball at Butler U. Indy Star

Tyler Bruce, of Tri-West HS, was named the Indy Star's Suburban Athlete of the Year.

Coach Hep Passes

Terry Hoeppner, head coach at Indiana University passed away on Tuesday morning. I don't personally know Coach Hep at all, but I can honestly tell you that he meant more to Indiana University and the state of Indiana than anyone really knows. Here was a man who was changing the landscape of Indiana football, and fighting like crazy to instill in everyone how to do things the right way. From the traditions that he started to reach out to the community, most notably, "The Walk." Which was when the entire team would walk from Assembly Hall through parking lots down to Memorial stadium through a long line of people just to shake hands and chat on the way to the game. Obviously, there is a lot of coverage in Indiana about Coach Hep right now and every time I see a replay of some of the "Walks" he is right there with all the players, shaking hands with everyone that he can see. He wanted to get the community support and people to the games. He wanted to bring IU football back to bowl games, and eventually a trip to the Rose Bowl. You could see it in him. It wasn't like he did it just to schmooze people, he was real. Real enough that if I was going to go play football, I would have wanted to play for Hep. The nickname that he gave to Memorial Stadium was "The Rock." He wanted to always protect and defend "The Rock." The thing that I take away from that is that you have to have your priorities in line at home, and in your surroundings for it to carry beyond the walls of the stadium or locker room. You can see that Hep was the same no matter where he was, whether it be on the sideline or in a press conference. He wanted everyone to be a part of what he was doing, because "Coach Hep Wants You."

The state of Indiana lost a well respected man this week. Please be in prayers for the Hoeppner family, the team, and Indiana University.

Last night, on one of the Local News channels they interviewed some of the players and Josiah Sears, a FB, said that he will remember one saying that Coach Hep would say and that is "Never Give Up."
I think that most people know where Hep headed, but I will quote Brent Glasgow from the Hendricks County Flyer in which he said, "Although he wasn’t able to lead the Hoosiers to the promised land, if there is a place called Heaven, I know Terry Hoeppner will be there."
Image Courtesy of Indiana University.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Think about this...

I don't really know if Jay Leno wrote this, but either way it is incredibly good, We do have something wonderful right here and people are failing to realize how incredibly good we have it. I mean I am writing this... and hopefully something is reading, but how many countries can't do this because of their government's rules. We all need to be thankful for what we have.

Jay Leno wrote this; it's the Jay Leno we don't often see.... "The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right? The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the president. In essence 2/3s of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change. So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, ''What we are so unhappy about?'' Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter? Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have a job? Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the last year? Maybe it is the ability to drive from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean without having to present identification papers as we move through each state? Or possibly the hundreds of clean and safe motels we would find along the way that can provide temporary shelter? I guess having thousands of restaurants with varying cuisine from around the world is just not good enough. Or could it be that when we wreck our car, emergency workers show up and provide services to help all and even send a helicopter to take you to the hospital. Perhaps you are one of the 70 percent of Americans who own a home. You may be upset with knowing that in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of trained firefighters will appear in moments and use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames thus saving you, your family and your belongings. Or if, while at home watching one of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or prowler intrudes , an officer equipped with a gun and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you and your family against attack or loss. This all in the backdrop of a neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and pillaging the residents. Neighborhoods where 90 percent of teenagers own cell phones and computers. How about the complete religious, social and political freedoms we enjoy that are the envy of everyone in the world? Maybe that is what has 67 percent of you folks unhappy. Fact is, we are the largest group of ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever seen. No wonder the world loves the U.S. , yet has a great disdain for its citizens. They see us for what we are. The most blessed people in the world who do nothing but complain about what we don't have , and what we hate about the country instead of thanking the good Lord we live here. I know, I know. What about the president who took us into war and has no plan to get us out? The president who has a measly 31 percent approval rating? Is this the same president who guided the nation in the dark days after 9/11? The president that cut taxes to bring an economy out of recession? Could this be the same guy who has been called every name in the book for succeeding in keeping all the spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terrorist attacks? The commander in chief of an all-volunteer army that is out there defending you and me? Did you hear how bad the President is on the news or talk show? Did this news affect you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't take a look around for yourself and see all the good things and be glad? Think about it......are you upset at the President because he actually caused you personal pain OR is it because the "Media" told you he was failing to kiss your sorry ungrateful behind every day. Make no mistake about it. The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have died for your freedom. There is currently no draft in this country. They didn't have to go. They are able to refuse to go and end up with either a ''general'' discharge, an ''other than honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a ''dishonorable'' discharge after a few days in the brig. So why then the flat-out discontentment in the minds of 69 percent of Americans? Say what you want but I blame it on the media. If it bleeds it leads and they specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a car crash with blood and guts. How many will watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The media knows this and media outlets are for-profit corporations. They offer what sells , and when criticized, try to defend their actions by "justifying" them in one way or another. Just ask why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J. Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill his wife, but if he did he would have done it this way......Insane! Stop buying the negativism you are fed everyday by the media. Shut off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New York Times for the bottom of your bird cage. Then start being grateful for all we have as a country. There is exponentially more good than bad. We are among the most blessed people on Earth and should thank God several times a day, or at least be thankful and appreciative." "With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, "Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?" Jay Leno

Congrats to the Spurs! TV Ratings, Sideline Reporters

The San Antonio Spurs were crowned NBA champs on Thursday night. Read Coach Finamore's blog about San Antonio stuff. It's in the Basketball Links on the right side. He hits the nail right square on the head when talking about the Spurs. This truly is an amazing team to watch.

Because TV ratings are down, ABC/ESPN seemed to always try to find a way to bring in the audiences. This year it was Eva Longoria. How many times did they film her just cheering?! Or when at the end Tony Parker and Longoria ran, hugged, and kissed!! It's like they were trying to make as much drama as they possibly could. No use getting all the other players' emotions, we have to get this shot of when Parker and Longoria kiss! I know, I know, there are plenty of guys who like seeing her, but honestly the only people watching at this point were pure basketball people, not the moms and wives longing to see if Eva and Tony would kiss. I love the Dan Patrick Radio show, but you can't ask a guy if he's nervous about his wedding on national TV? And another thing about the sideline reporters, they need to come up with another question beyond, "What are you feeling at this moment?" I mean how do you think he feels. He just won a championship! I don't think he feels down, or cheated, or depressed, or sad. I can answer that question simply as, "They all feel elated, or wonderful, or happy, or the perfect words are ' Michelle, there are no words to descibe it!'" I just think that everyone already knows how they are feeling, so there shouldn't be an interview. But if the player turns it down then the Media gets mad because you didn't answer their question and then Dan Patrick talks about you on his show. While I am on this topic of Sideline reporters, I think we can go away from talking to the coaches who are behind in the score at halftime as they are running away to the locker room. It usually goes something like this:

Sideline Reporter: "Coach, your defense gave up 20 fast break points in the first half.

What are you going to do get your team back in it?"

Coach: "Well, we need to get back on defense in a more timely manner in order to stop the break, we'll see how we come out in the second half.

What the Coach was thinking: "Well, we need to get back on defense a whole lot faster or we're running suicedes tomorrow, who is this lady, maybe jam the rebounder a little bit, to stop the outlet pass, I love running and talking at the same time, and hit some more baskets so they actually have to take it out of bounds to start their break, why is this lady talking to me, I have to sacrifice some of my offensive players to get my defensive stopper in the game, I am out of breath, water please, Talk to my assistant next time would ya"

I just don't see any point in the whole "talk to the coach as he's running to the locker room" interview. Maybe you have a different point of view, post a comment, but the questions are so vague and the coach gives vague answers because he actually has a team to coach and get ready for the second half. I think they should just not have the sideline reporters. But I guess, those brain stimulating questions that they ask, stir the mind of casual fans, so I guess there is a part for them but I just don't like them. They just ask questions that are rhetorical and anyone who is watching the game could probably answer them anyway.

Leave comment or email!

Have a great weekend!

Hebron Names Woman Head Boys' Coach

Brenda Drook has been named the Head Boys' Coach at Hebron High. She been the Boys' JV Coach for the past 13 seasons, and also the Head Girls' Volleyball coach for the past 5. She becomes the first woman to lead a boys varsity team in the state of Indiana!

Congrats to Coach Drook and to a successful season!!

"If it was any other woman, I might not agree with the (hiring), but because it's Drook -- and I've played for her before -- I think we'll be fine,'' Elliott said. "She made us better. The way she pushes every person to do their best makes it a good decision.'' - from

Monday, June 11, 2007

Rodger Ward Jr. Article

I have met Rodger Ward Jr. many times. My grandma is close friends with him. He is the son of two time Indy 500 champ Rodger Sr. I can not remember anyone who looked at life with such an amazing point of view as he does. I am a pretty happy-go-lucky guy myself, and nothing really gets me upset, but Rodger's positive attitude is something amazing. I don't think he has ever had a bad day in his life. This article from the Hendricks County Flyer from May 23 I read, but didn't have the time to post about it. Rodger never really got into racing and following his dad's footsteps, but he felt the call of ministry and never looked back. I have heard him preach many times and not one time did I not laugh hysterically and at the same time take away an amazing and wonderful message from Christ through Rodger. At the end of this article there is a quote from Will Rogers that says, "If you find a job that you like, you will never work another day in your life." I think that is so true. If you are at a job where you feel like it's actually work and it doesn't delight you to go in every morning, then you should definitely think seriously about being there. Rodger is an amazing man and I am truly blessed to know him.
A couple HS all-star games this week. I know there are some local players out there playing, I just need to post about them.

New Danville Girls Coach

Terry Hammons has been named the new Girls' Head Coach at Danville.

Terry Hammons has 26 years of experience coaching boys’ golf at Danville Community High School, but when the girls’ basketball season tips off in November, he will be a rookie all over again. Continue - Story from Hendricks County Flyer

Congrats to Coach Hammons.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

O'Brien's In for the Pacers

Jim O'Brien has been hired as the new coach of the Pacers. He has a winning record from his stints in Philly and Boston. I find it odd that they would go after O'Brien instead of a young guy. But his focus will be on discipline and organization. Maybe the plan is to bring the Pacers back into contention and then bring in someone else. Who knows.... and who knows what Larry Bird's next move is next. I think there is going to be a lot of moves this summer and Bird is usually one to keep things under wraps until a news conference, ie. see the Jim O'Brien hire. He wasn't even a name mentioned at all by the Indy Star or even asked for a second interview. But I do have to say that the way Bird does things secretly is for the good of everyone. He wouldn't be able to get anything done at all. He is just that way. Good Luck to the Pacers and this summer as there will probably be lots of moves and trades. I look for them to trade Jermaine O'Neal for a contender in Western Conference and Jamaal Tinsley to anyone who will take him.

Drop a Note and be in prayers for Coach P at HoopScoop.
Have a Great Day!


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ricks signs with Rose-Hulman

Steve Ricks of Tri-West High has chosen to play basketball at Rose-Hulman. He helped the Bruins to a 2 year record of 37-9. Congrats, Steve.

Memorial Day

This being Memorial Day, which is set aside to remember those who have paid the price for our freedom, I have uploaded a picture of a barn that is being built down the road from my house that to me sums up Memorial Day for me. It doesn't matter what you're doing, you're doing it because your're free to do it because someone laid down their life for you. Whoever is building this barn is truly indebted to the lives lost so that he can build his barn and live as he/she is and most importantly will live, because of the sacrifices made.

Take a minute and remember and thank those who have served, are serving, and maybe one day will serve in the armed forces.

Whether you like that we are at war in Iraq or not, the fact is that we are, and if you don't want to stand behind our troops, then stand in front of them. I am not leaning one way or the other but the troops are fighting a war that no one is supporting. It would be like playing a basketball game without any fans. No one to celebrate after a big win or no one to cry with after a tough loss. It's like when you see the soccer teams play over in Europe without any fans because they have lost their right to cheer. Well, I don't think we lost our right, we just stopped cheering.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Stan, Not the Man

Stan Van Gundy withdrew his name from the Indiana Pacers head coaching vacancy yesterday, stating that he didn't want to move his family here from Miami. I mean seriously why would anyone want to move to Indiana from Miami. Which brings me to the point of; If he knew that he didn't want to move his family here in the first place.... interesting? .... Orlando is in Florida...Pacers don't get any first round picks.... no chance at a big name... interesting... seems fishy. Kind of like how he resigned so Pat Riley could just slide in and take the Heat to a NBA Championship.

Names still being mentioned for the job are (courtesy of Indy Star)

Jim Boylan - Bulla Asst.
Chuck Person - Pacers Asst.
Johnny Davis - Pacers Asst.
Brian Shaw - Lakers Asst.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Pacers Coach? Last 4 Teams. LeBron and the Pass or no Pass.

Early reports are saying the Stan Van Gundy is the new man in Indy. I think it's a very good hire and should suit the classful organization of the Pacers.

I love watching the Final four teams that are in the NBA Playoffs. TV ratings are down and I could care less. These last four teams actually "play" basketball. There is no one-on-one, fancy stuff, just mostly pure basketball. I also love Timmy Duncan. I think he might wine a little bit now and then, but show me another player that can bank any shot the way he does!!

I also stole this from Method to the Madness blog by coach Steve Finamore (that I will link soon.) - How can people complain about the last four teams in the playoffs. They all play good fundamental basketball and then people complain that they don't want to watch it because it is boring. People would rather see high-flying alley-oops, deep threes, and fastbreak dunks then fundamental basketball. I agree to the casual fan it might not be that exciting, but for people who really enjoy basketball this is the best! I also don't think that the people mentioned before, I will call them showboaters for the sake of this blog, can't complain about the USA Basketball program not being able to play team ball. It's ridicoulous. The people that complain now shouldn't be allowed to complain later this summer when Team USA gets together and loses because their favorite players aren't playing fundamental basketball, because I bet that Spurs, Jazz, Pistons, and maybe the Cavs could take on any of the other country teams and win. But that brings up the point that the Spurs and Jazz have many foreign players on them and they should win because they play fundamental basketball. And if that's the case then why aren't people watching?!

Oh, and LeBron did the right thing to pass to Donyell Marshall. Why?... he's a fundamental basketball player.

Till Next Time.
Drop a Note.

New Link

I added a link to Coach P's Blog to the links section.

Take a look if you're a coach because he can definitely help you!!


Brownsburg Names New Girls' Coach

The 1991 graduate of Brownsburg High School, Amy Brauman was named the new Bulldogs head varsity girls coach at her alma mater. She had been an assistant with the Bulldogs from 00-06 and a former IUPUI assistant coach. Last year the Bulldogs went 5-17, but return an Indiana Junior All-star in Lauren Taylor.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mid-Con to Summit, and Valpo to Horizon

The Mid-Continent Conference has changed its name and has added a few new teams and dropped an in-state university. The conference will now be called The Summit League. The name is to reflect not only reaching the top in athletics, but in academics as well. I think this is a good step in the right direction for schools to use, especially all the rule changes and how graduation rates now figure into how many scholarships a school may be able to give out. The teams that now will make up The Summit League will be IUPUI, Centenary, IPFW, UMKC, North Dakota State, Oakland, Oral Roberts, South Dakota State, Southern Utah, and Western Illinois. I think the biggest hurt will be that Valparaiso will now be leaving and joining the Horizon League, which includes Butler. Valpo and IUPUI seemed to always be a nice in-state rival and the games were always pretty good. But, on the the other hand IPFW now joins and now IUPUI gets another in-state rival. I like the change but hard to understand Valpo changing to the Horizon. We'll see how it pans out.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Lady Cadet Signs with Saint Mary-of-the-Woods

Congrats to Kaiti Nease as she will be furthering her career at Saint Mary of-the-Woods College in Terre Haute. Kaiti and the Cascade Cadets captured a sectional title this year. She is second from the right. She also happens to be one of the Top Ten in her graduating class.

photo courtesty of Hendricks County Flyer

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Recap from the IBCA Clinic, and a Sad Loss

First off, I wanted to say thanks to ESPN 950 AM for the link from their site. It is greatly appreciated.

To recap the IBCA Coach's Clinic. - I am only going to highlight the college coaches that I saw in person. I think that every coach that spoke, including all the high school coaches, I can definitely take something from. I appreciated the contributions to the game that these coaches give back every year. To me it says a lot when someone tells everyone else how they are successful.

Steve Ridder, Embry-Riddle University - He had a section focusing on the 6 things you need to do to win close games. He called them the Super 6!

1. With 2-3 minutes to go don't let them score. Take pride in stopping someone when it really counts.
2. Have a Go-To-Play. The opponent probably knows what it is. But you have to have one that your players know they can execute with their eyes closed.
3. Make all Free Throws under 3 minutes.
4. Game Management - The ability to know what to do when to do it in the closing minutes. Like when to call a timeout, who to foul, substitutions to make for special situations
5. No turnovers - pretty simple - but if you don't have the ball, you can't score
6. Offensive rebound put backs on the last second shot - try to take the last second shot with enough time left to be able to crash the offensive glass, get a stick back and win or tie.

I did enjoy Coach Ridder's section. He was very enthusiastic and you could tell he really enjoyed sharing how he is successful.

Don Meyer, Northern State University - This was the first time that I have heard Coach Meyer speak before. I have been to his site, and I can not recommend it more to anyone. The things that he gives out are amazing and are not just about basketball. You can tell that he really cares about his players, and definitely other players because of his own clinics. I think that he would rather develop them as people more than basketball players. To me that speaks a ton. He had brought a ton of handouts to pass out to all the coaches. What surprised me more than anything was the fact that the things that he handed out had more to do with life, having good attitudes, being a team player, and quotes, than they did with basketball. I think that it great and I hope that I have the opportunity to hear him speak again.

Kevin McKenna, Indiana State U. - Coach McKenna filled in coach Rick Majerus. Majerus took the St. Louis job on teh same night that he was going to speak. I was really looking forward to hearing Majerus talk about his 4-out-1-in motion offense. Mainly because I am familiar with the 4 out 1 in and wanted to hear some new wrinkles to the system. Enough about that, I really enjoyed hearing Coach McKenna talk about his motion offense that he is bringing then tweaking from Creighton. I think this offense would definitely be suited for the team without a big towering center. I think that it fits right in in the Missouri Valley Conf. The one thing that I did notice was that it has the same two man game as the Triangle Offense, (see below). I am glad that he was able to fill in, but it just enhanced my knowledge of the game of basketball because he brought something that I had never seen before.

Shoot me an email or drop a note. Definitely check out the Coach Meyer site and the Free Handouts and all the corners.

I just found out tonight that a really good friend and coach will probably be hanging up his whistle this year. His new job is not allowing for him to continue in teaching players what it takes to be great, on and off the court. I have never been around someone like him who could get across to the players what he wanted to say so that they would understand it in one sentence. The players always looked up to him (I know I did) and I feel proud to have been coached by and coached alongside him. I definitely look up to him and I find it hard that I won't see him on the sidelines anymore. Like I said, I think of him more of a friend than a coach. He will sorely be missed. But I am sure that his family will definitely reap the benefits of having a husband and dad back at home. Thank You, Coach.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Future of the Pacers and IBCA Coaches Clinic

I particularly don't watch much pro basketball, but I do catch a Pacers game every now and then. I can't really decide what I want to happen to the Pacers. So, what I am going to talk about is the fact that no matter what everyone else is saying and complaining about, they are still playing and trying to win games. To me that shows that they want to continue the winning ways of the organization and that they don't want to "tank" the rest of the season. In April, they have gone 4-3, which doesn't sound like much but they have doubled the win total from March when they went 2-14. I think that is definitely a bright thing. Also, they might get in the playoffs with an 8th seed. I think every program goes through its tough times, but there is always light at the end the tunnel and the Pacers are making the right moves. I don't think a franchise has been through more in a three year span than the Pacers have.

I am getting fired up to go the IBCA Coach Clinic. Rick Majerus will be speaking about his 4 out 1 in motion offense. Don Meyer, the 5th all-time winningest coach in college history, Northern State University, will speak about "The best things he has seen in basketball." Steve Ridder of Embry Riddle University will speak about "building a special program." Sharon Versyp, Purdue University womens' coach, will also speak. And many, many high school coaches will also speak, demonstrate, and share their knowledge on the wonderful game of basketball.

Every year this clinic has some of the best coaches and continues to be the world's largest basketball coaches association.

Drop a note.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Triangle Offense

I have really taken an interest into the famed Triangle Offense (aka Triple-Post offense or Sideline Triangle offense). The coach who is most widely associated with it is the nine-time NBA champ Phil Jackson of the Lakers, and formerly with the Chicago Bulls. The coach who is labeled to be the most instrumental on getting it into the NBA is Tex Winter. Tex used it in the college ranks when he was the head coach at Kansas State. Jackson picked it up when they were both assisants on the Bulls and fell in love with the unselfishness of the offense. Phil also liked the offense because it lets the defense dictate what the offense will do. Due to the fact that Jackson is usually entitled the Zen Master, it fits perfectly into his coaching philosophy of oneness. I think that the triangle offense is perfectly suited for the NBA and college teams, but I wonder about using it in the high school level. I do like the fact that it really leaves the playmaking up to the players to decide, but at the high school level, can players remember what to do. I do think that the best part of the offense is the fact that it lets kids "play basketball" not "run to a spot, screen for this guy, go here, screen again, move here, watch the best player shoot, go attack to get the rebound, play defense, come back down on offense, and do the same thing again." I think it lets the players actually learn about and how to read the defense to get scoring opportunities. You can also use it versus a zone. It also is very unpredictable which makes it very difficult to scout.

Key Points of the Triangle.

Spacing - All players are be 15-18 feet from each other. This keeps the floor spread to allow for penetration, and makes it hard to double the post.

Formation of the triangle - Typically the triangle is formed by the point guard in the corner, the post man on the block, and a forward on the wing. The point of the triangle is to get it into the post and make the defense adjust and make them decide what they are going to do to combat the post man. Once the ball goes into the post, the options are open as to how the defense is going to play.

Line of Deployment - This is the term that Winter uses for the position of the center and the ballside forward. They should both be on an imaginary line at a 45 degree angle coming from the basket.

Formation of the two-man game - The two man game is formed on the weak side with a guard at the top of the key and the power forward somewhere along the lane lines opposite the ball, typically called the high post. Winter will call it the pinch post. There are a ton of options out of the two-man game.

We could go on and on put here are some links that are extremely good for understanding the triangle. I suggest looking at the diagrams first before looking at the YouTube videos. I think that will help in learning and you will pick up on what Jackson and Winter are talking about.

Fran Fraschilla -
Hoop Tactics

Youtube videos - these videos are amazing and very, very insightful.

Phil Jackson/Tex Winter explain Triangle Part 1
Phil Jackson/Tex Winter explain Triangle Part 2
Phil Jackson/Tex Winter explain Triangle Part 3
Phil Jackson/Tex Winter explain Triangle Part 4
Phil Jackson/Tex Winter explain Triangle Part 5

Henry Abbott's True Hoop Blog that talks about it.

Tex Winter wrote a book in the 1960 that has been reprinted and is great. I have it and have learned a ton. It's call The Triple-Post Offense (Sideline Triangle).

I would also really really like to have this set of DVDs on the triangle offense. Maybe I should ask for it from my wife for my birthday. The Encyclopedia of the Triangle Offense

That's all for now... Leave a comment for discussion. Later.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Stevens In at Butler

Brad Stevens will be the new coach at Butler. They kept it in the family and hopefully he will continue the "Butler Way." He is young but definitely a good pick. Plus if there are any problems a former Butler coach is there to ask for advice (Barry Collier). Good Luck to Stevens and Butler.

College Coaching Carousel

At this time of the year, there is always a buzz about the coaching changes and who is leaving and who is going to replace the leaver. Here locally, Butler coach, Todd Lickliter, resigned and took the vacant job the former Hoosier, Steve Alford, left for New Mexico. I find both of these moves very intriguing. Alford has been under a lot of scrutiny in Iowa and to me it seemed that he just wanted to get away and start over. I don't blame him. He didn't get the Indiana recruits that most figured he would get. But honestly, why would anyone want to go to Iowa to play basketball anyway? The Alford move gave way for Lickliter who has had two Sweet Sixteen appearances at a mid-major university in the past 4 years. I think that says a lot but I don't understand the move. Why go to a school who has been in the bottom of the Big Ten for a while and Steve Alford couldn't even get good players to go there. I would think that a job in the Horizon League would be a whole lot better. I was also shocked about the Lickliter hire because Lickliter's son is still in high school here in Indy and I am pretty sure he has at least one more year left. I would have thought that he would stay until he graduated.

These are just my thoughts and wonder if anyone has some comments on them.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Champs, Again

Florida repeats as I didn't see happening. 85-74. Oden has a great game, 25 and 12. Conley carries them throughout, but gets no help whatsoever from any other Buckeye not named Greg. The Buckeyes couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. They were 4-23 from behind the arc. Corey Brewer was good but the MOP should have been Oden. I think that it should have went to Oden even though he was on the losing team. There is no way that Brewer was more outstanding than Oden was. He held Noah, Horford, Richard, and Speights to 35 points. He also played 38 minutes. Besides Horford was better than Brewer even was scoring more points, grabbing more rebounds, dishing more assists, and had 1 more block. The only stat that Brewer had that was higher than Horford's were steals.

The Buckeyes just couldn't contain the outside shooting of Humphey, Green, and Brewer. They got uncontested looks and you just can't do that. Humphrey, the all-time 3-point leader in the NCAA tournament, was left wide open on many occasions.

Good game, but Florida was definitely the better team tonight. OSU couldn't get within 6 points and when they got that close, the Gators would just put on a run to get it back to 11 or 12.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Champion Game Set

Well, the Final Four Championship game is set with defending champs Florida, taking on Ohio State. I had one game right, OSU, and one wrong, UCLA.

In game one. It came down to executing and Mike Conley gets the ball to the correct people at the correct time. Oden and Hibbert were in foul trouble most of the game. I would lean toward Hibbert playing the overall better game. I would also give him the edge because he can step out and shoot. Oden has never played anyone bigger than him before and I think that Hibbert really got the best of Oden. When it was just one-on-one in the post Oden looked like he struggled to get off shots, and Hibbert looked as if he could make a move and shoot a nice shot. Hibbert did miss a lot, but it seemed to come easier to him. Green for Georgetown was a non-factor throughout the whole game. For being the Big East player of the year, he didn't take any initiative and try to score.

In game two. UCLA's defense in the first 5 minutes or so was outstanding. The only problem was that they couldn't score offensively and the score was 6-5 after 7 minutes or so. UCLA got into foul trouble and some reserves got a lot of minutes and Florida was ahead by 6 at the half. At the start of the second half, Florida came out firing from three land and Humphrey was lights out. His first two shots were pretty much uncontested. I have no idea how you let him have open looks but UCLA did and he hit them. I think I would have not doubled and made Horford and Noah beat them instead of letting Brewer and Humphrey nail threes. Afflalo and Collison did their best impression of Green from Georgetown and didn't score until at least 10 minutes to go in the second half. Another interesting thing I noticed was that Noah is a horrible Free Throw shooter and whenever UCLA wound foul him, it would be more of a love tap and Noah would make the layup. To me it seems like they should have just not let him get the shot off and made him earn it from the line.

Prediction for Monday Night - The key for both teams will be the perimeter guys. I give the edge to Florida, simply because they have been in the championship before. But I also give a nod to Ohio State because of their bench play and the high school experience of Oden and Conley (3 state championships). I think that Oden can play Noah and Horford one-on-one and that will allow OSU's backcourt to not double and stay locked on to their men. Taurean Green, of Florida, is coming off a lot of turnovers against UCLA. OSU will not pressure as much as UCLA will but the matchup of Conley and Green should be an interesting one. I am picking the Buckeyes to upset the repeat of the Gators. OSU by 4. MOP = Conley/Oden.

Plus I am tired of the chest pumping Noah.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Final Four Picks

Today, the 2 Final Four games will be played and I am ready to make my picks. In game one, Ohio State will take on Georgetown in a matchup of good teams with domination centers. Hibbert for Gtown and Oden for OSU. I think OSU will play a zone to cut down on the athleticness of Georgetown and their backdoor cuts out of the patented Princeton offense. I think Conley will keep the Buckeyes in it with his drives and dishes to either Oden or Lewis on the perimeter. With Ohio State playing a zone it leaves lots of opportunities for offensive rebounds for the Hoyas. Also, I don't think that OSU has a guy that can matchup with Green for Gtown. I look for Ohio State to win by 3.

In the second game, the defending champion Florida Gators take on the UCLA Bruins in a matchup of last years championship game. I look for three-point shooting to be the key to the Florida attack. I think that Mata for UCLA will avenge his poor play in last years game. He is going to make it hard for Horford and Noah to get it going. He plays physical and will push Horford and Noah off the block. Noah doesn't have to be guarded out beyond 10 feet because he can't knock that down. The catch is if Florida can knock down open threes because their post guys will get doubled and they will kick it out. I look for UCLA to pull this one out being carried by Afflalo, Shipp, and Collison and send the champs home. UCLA by 3.

We'll see how it goes down. Should be great games.