This being Memorial Day, which is set aside to remember those who have paid the price for our freedom, I have uploaded a picture of a barn that is being built down the road from my house that to me sums up Memorial Day for me. It doesn't matter what you're doing, you're doing it because your're free to do it because someone laid down their life for you. Whoever is building this barn is truly indebted to the lives lost so that he can build his barn and live as he/she is and most importantly will live, because of the sacrifices made.

Take a minute and remember and thank those who have served, are serving, and maybe one day will serve in the armed forces.
Whether you like that we are at war in Iraq or not, the fact is that we are, and if you don't want to stand behind our troops, then stand in front of them. I am not leaning one way or the other but the troops are fighting a war that no one is supporting. It would be like playing a basketball game without any fans. No one to celebrate after a big win or no one to cry with after a tough loss. It's like when you see the soccer teams play over in Europe without any fans because they have lost their right to cheer. Well, I don't think we lost our right, we just stopped cheering.
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