Some local awards given:
David Henry - Bethesda Christian HS - 1A West Kent Benson FCA Mental Attitude Award
Tyler Bruce - Tri-West HS - 2A Game MVP
Aimee Drabyn - Avon HS - 4A West Kent Benson FCA Mental Attitude Award
Congrats to all the players that were named and congrats on you high school career and good luck as you move on.
I have got the new Tony Dungy book, Quiet Strength, and I am going to post a little blurb from it every now and then.
"Things will go wrong at times. You can't always control circumstances. However, you can always control your attitude, approach, and response. Your options are to complain or to look ahead and figure out how to make the situation better."
I find myself getting frustrated at work a lot and then when I realize that nothing good can come of getting angry, throwing something, or punching something. I just need to find a way to counter whatever went wrong and find a new way of doing it. Which flows right into this excerpt;
"What's important is not the accolades and memories of success but the way you respond when opportunities are denied."
It's how you respond to the situation that makes you who you are!
"If I want my players to remember something, one picture isn't worth a thousand words - it's better."
When I hear this, I think of how people learn differently and how as a teacher/coach it is our job to reach each person no matter how we have to do it. I can remember in math classes getting taught that there was multiple ways to do something, basically, whichever one you could understand the easiest. If there is a student/player who is not understanding things on the court, maybe a diagram might do the trick, or a special video clip that shows exactly what he/she should be doing. Man, you see those slow-mo cameras in every instant replay now, you can see so much just by pausing and rewinding. I think there should be a ton of "classroom" work in basketball too. Breaking down things and what not. Going over not only the other team's stuff but your own. Letting the players know what you want them to accomplish through doing this particular thing. I know there is not much time that you get on the court, but this could be something pre-practice or post-practice. Just my ramblings.
Two weekends ago was my 1 year anniversary and me and my wife took a trip to Chicago to visit the Shedd Aquarium and to the hollowed grounds of Wrigley Field. The Aquarium was amazing and can be compared to the Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN.

Oh... I don't really know how many people read this blog and I thought it would be interesting to see how many do or better yet, do not read this, so if you could just click on "View My Complete Profile" there is a little counter on there and it just adds it up. I am just looking to see how many people read this. As of right now, there have been 121 profile views. I know it won't be much, or any for that matter, but if you do take a look at this blog or somehow stumble upon it, it would be much appreciated. Thanks! and Have a Great Day! DSD
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