
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rule Breaking, errr Bending

Dana O'Neil of ESPN has written something that really irks me.

Gray scale: Recruiters struggle with perfectly legal yet ethically questionable

When does ethics and morals come into play. I ask that these coaches really sit back and think about what they are doing. Yes, it's legal, but you need to check your morals and if this is what you want your character to be displayed as. If I was a athlete being recruited, I would sure look first to the morals of the entire coaching staff before I made my decision. Just something to ponder about.

Quote from the article -
Many members of the NABC believe it's time for coaches to stop looking to the NCAA to fix what ails them and instead look in the mirror.

(Amen to this one)

Please either be black or white, don't toe the line in the grayed muddied middle. If you're playing/coaching the right way it shouldn't be too hard to do anyway.

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