
Friday, January 23, 2009

Chuck Noll

There is an article on ESPN today, written by Elizabeth Merrill about legendary Steelers coach, Chuck Noll, that is a unique glimpse into the life of the coach who has won 4, count 'em, 4, Super Bowls.

My favorite quote from the article is by Andy Russell, a 7-time Pro Bowl selection, who had two stints with the Steelers. Inbetween those two stints, he served two years in the Army.

"In his first year, we won our first game and lost 13 in a row. But he never lost us because he never said things that didn't make any sense. He'd say, 'We will get worse before we get better. Because I'm going to force you to play the right way."

This truly shows how you can get better, doing it the right way, no shortcuts.

I knew that Coach Noll shaped Coach Tony Dungy I looked in his book, Quiet Strength, this morning to see what Coach Dungy had to say about Coach Noll and I found this quote from Noll.

"Champions are champions not because they do anything extraordinary but because they do the ordinary things better than anyone else."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rocky Bliar served in the Army in Vietnam not Andy Russell.