This is definitely the attitude to have! There is nothing that Crean can do about the mess that he has inherited, but he can turn it into a positive environment. I was telling someone the other day that what I wanted IU to do about their open coach situation and I said that I didn't think any of the Big Name coaches would come to Indiana because most of them have very good jobs and wouldn't want to mess with the possible infractions that might be handed down by the NCAA. And I didn't want IU to keep going lower in the Division I ranks just to find someone. I would have liked to see an up-and-coming DII or DIII coach get the job. Who? I had no idea, but this was my thinking. Anyway, I am pleased with the hire and I think that he will build IU's character back up and I think it will start with him. I think he is very excited to be at IU and bring them back out of this hole. I also think that he will do it the right way!"We are not going to be overwhelmed by the challenges, we are going to
have to embrace them," Crean said at a news conference Wednesday.
This brings me to another pondering question...Why do Division I coaches just bounce around the jobs. I mean one DI guy leaves and then the carousel just simply rotates around. DI guy fills this spot, DI guy fills the hole, another DI guy slips in to his job. Why don't DII or DIII guys ever get a chance to move up? Or better yet... Why don't assistants ever get a head job. It's always another head coach. I don't know just things to ponder.