I know it's been a while, but my wife and I are trying to get a side photography business up and running. There is a link on the right if you want to check it out.
Ok. This basketball topic popped into my head earlier this week and I want to share this with everyone. I think back on all the times that you see the one-handed dribbler, the player that can only dribble with his dominant hand. When you see the player going left but dribbling with his right hand, not only does it look awkward for the player, but I just get this feeling that it is going to get knocked away to the other team. So, since the player hasn't built up the confidence to use his off-hand. I have come up with some things that will help in the development of his off-hand.
1. The best way to aid in developing the off-hand would be to pick up the nice orange ball and let your left hand actually feel it for once and try to get comfortable with it.
2. Hordes of dribbling drills - the player obviously did some of them with the dominant hand but somehow forgot he had two hands. You would have to do twice as much with the off-hand to bring it back up to speed.
3. Do common everyday things with your off-hand.
a. brush your teeth with your off-hand
b. open doors with your off-hand - car doors included - and any door for a lady.
c. apply deodorant with your off-hand - hopefully you do this with your dominant on a regular basis. This one is tricky and requires a flexible elbow
d. use the TV remote with your off-hand
e. write your name with your off-hand
f. work your cell phone with your off-hand
g. try typing every letter on the keyboard with your off-hand one letter at a time.
h. eat only with your off-hand
i. this is kind of weird but when you drop a #2 - wipe with your off-hand
j. when you are reading a book hold it open with your off-hand
k. put on all your clothers with your off-hand
l. Top off your outfit with putting on a belt with your off-hand
m. If you use a calculator use it with your off-hand
n. clip your toe/finger nails with your off-hand
o. when you use scissors use your off-hand
p. when you use a knife use your off-hand - do this carefully!
q. if you wear contacts put them in with your off-hand
r. tie your shoes with your off-hand
s. if you play paintball play with your off-hand
t. brush your hair with your off-hand
u. If you're a girl and only if you're a girl, apply makeup with your off-hand
v. switch your computer mouse to the other side of the keyboard and click with your off-hand
w. open up a DVD or Playstation game case with your off-hand
x. Drink using your off-hand
y. if you play an instrument try to do it with your off-hand
z. pick up a basketball and dribble!
Basically what it comes down do is building up your confidence in your off-hand to perform as well as your dominant hand. Try to go through an entire day without using your dominant hand unless you have to. You are training your mind to treat your off-hand just the same as your dominant hand. Also, you are building up strength and hand-eye coordination.
With football, volleyball, and cross country season here, you dual sport athletes don't forget to pick up a round ball every now and then! But your mind should be on helping the team you are on to be the best that they can be and striving to give your best everyday. You are the only person who knows if you gave your best everyday - which means you are responsible for your attitude, actions, and your success. Just don't forget that what you are really doing is staying in tip top shape for the winter season :)
Drop Step Dunk